AdWords Clever Wizard
История изменений
- Теперь показывает информацию о поисках, взятую с Google
- Различные мелкие изменения
- Исправлена ошибка с количеством рекламы на Google
- Добавлена встроенная утилита по подбору ключевых слов
- Множество улучшений по части удобства использования
- Добавлен Быстрый Фильтр
- Исправлена ошибка при работе с Google
- Обновлен источник синонимов: Google keyword suggestion tool
- Улучшена работа в Windows Vista
- Исправлен ряд ошибок
- Новый источник синонимов: Google keyword suggestion tool
- Дерево ключевых слов стало мощнее
- Фильтр ключевых слов теперь работает с любыс толбцом, а не только с самой фразой, и дает более гибкие возможности фильтрования
- Улучшена работа в Windows Vista
- Незначительные изменения и исправления ошибок
- New synonyms source: GoogSpy
- Search progress now displays time estimation
- Many small improvements
- Bugfixes
- Enhanced Overture module. Search info is more precise now.
- It is possible now to view keywords as a tree.
- Minor bugfixes and modifications.
- New interface.
- Obtaining synonyms is now optional.
- Small bugfixes.
- Increased search speed.
- New filter option.
- "Ad Efficiency" parameter
- Small bugfixes
- You can delete a group of keywords at once now.
- You can add a group of related keywords at once now.
- New parameter: Ratio = Results / Searches. Some SEO specialists think it's more important than KEI
- Related keywords can be searched in two ways now: by the entire phrase (new method) or by each word in the phrase (old method)
- Small bugfixes
- Fixed some Unicode issues
- Option to choose between searches per month and per day
- Small bugfixes
- The analysis process has been sped up slightly
- The 'Save' option is now available along with the 'Save As..' option
- Automatically opening the last project at startup.
- Now its possible to mark the keyword you consider good with a special flag
- Fixed the issue with the new Google design
- Now AdWords Clever Wizard tries to show all ads on all Google pages
- SearchFeed.com has been removed
- Minor modifications in the interface
- International Google and Overture data centers, including Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom.
- Support of results from SearchFeed.com.
- "Export to CSV" option
- Option for exporting related keyphrases to a file.
- The main window of the program now restores the position and size it had when it was run last.