AdWords Clever Wizard

Google synonyms

AdWords Clever Wizard is able to suggest Google synonyms from the Google keyword suggestion tool. It shows the related phrases and also supplemental keywords. Additionally, it shows an approximate bid for each keyword.

Please note, you need to type a CAPTCHA to be able to get the results from Google. You don't need to type it every time you run a search, instead, you need to type it only when Google asks it. Usually, you have to do this only once.

google synonyms captcha keyword tool

Please note, due to Google limitations, the process may take some time to complete.

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Current version:
Aug 2, 2008

Operating system:
Windows 98/2000/XP/Vista

1.7 Mb

Download N/A
Registration costs

Personal license:
$39 N/A

Business license:
$69 N/A