AdWords Clever Wizard

Keyword bid

With AdWords Clever Wizard you can learn an approximate bid for each keyword. This infromation is based on Google keyword suggestion tool.

Approximate Google Bid

Please note, due to Google limitations, the process may take some time to complete. You can get a bid only for keywords (or synonyms) that are displayed by Google Keyword Suggestion Tool.

This function is very convenient, because you can quickly estimate the bid competition, select keywords with the minumum bids (if you are an advertiser) or find the most profitable keywords with high bids if your sell the ad space on your site.

The bid info is only available in Business License of AdWords Clever Wizard

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Current version:
Aug 2, 2008

Operating system:
Windows 98/2000/XP/Vista

1.7 Mb

Download N/A
Registration costs

Personal license:
$39 N/A

Business license:
$69 N/A