Site Content Analyzer 3 - feature review

Find out which pages are under-optimized

With Site Content Analyzer 3 you can not only analyze the pages of websites, but also compare them between each other.

It is known, the "one page - one theme" method delivers the best SEO results. This means, you should optimize each page of your site for one particular theme and 2-3 keywords at maximum. This method allows you to focus on several target keywords and not spread your efforts which provides the best result in web site promotion.

But how can you determine if a page is optimized well? What are the main keywords of that page? Does it need some revision or it's working the best way it can? Analyzing a web site with Site Content Analyzer answers these questions.

Site Content Analyzer 3 - keyword phrases suggestion software, website keywords optimization
Results - keyword weight and density mode

With the help of Site Content Analyzer you can determine the pages with most keywords, as well as pages of your site with the highest average weight. As you can see on the above picture (click it to enlarge), Site Content Analyzer shows the average weight for each page and also the number of total and unique keywords per page. The term "weight" is a measure of page's importance. It is calulated basing on the weights of each keyword on that web page. That is, under-optimized pages generally have lesser average weight than those that perform well. To increase the average weight of a page, you should try to include your target keywords in some weight-affecting tags, such as a title tag, headings and so on.

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Current version:
Dec 8, 2009

Operating system:
Windows 2000/XP/Vista

3.1 Mb

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Registration costs

Personal license:
$79 Order Now

Business license:
$149 Order Now