AdWords Clever Wizard feature review

Synonyms and related keywords

With AdWords Clever Wizard, you can quickly discover related keywords or synonyms. You should run a search for a keyword, then select it in the left part of the window and you will see all related synonyms in the right part of the window. AdWords Clever Wizard supports two sources of that info: Overture and Google.

Related keywords
Main window - Related keywords

You can add any keyword from the list of synonyms to the left list to include it in the next search. To do this, double-click the synonym you need and it will be added to the left list. You can also use drag-and-drop or the context menu.

There are two possible modes in AdWords Clever Wizard: it can obtain synonyms for the entire key phrase or for each word separately. The first way produces more precise and relevant synonyms, while the second way produces more synonyms, but their relevance is lower.

Two ways to obtain synonyms
Preferences window - Two ways to obtain synonyms from Overture

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Current version:
Aug 2, 2008

Operating system:
Windows 98/2000/XP/Vista

1.7 Mb

Download N/A
Registration costs

Personal license:
$39 N/A

Business license:
$69 N/A